« fragile-workshop » is a networked collaborative process at an European scale, which aims to enrich the observation by associating different points of views from artists and philosophers scattered throughout Europe.


« fragile-workshop » doesn’t propose a research nor a classical exhibition, but a hybrid object opening on new horizons, reversing points of views and producing fulgurances through the association of heterogeneous elements. It aims to build a new form, close to hypertext, offering many different input levels, in order to obtain new elements of representation of society’s current mutation.


After a first workshop organized at the Ecole Sciences-politiques in Paris at the initiative of Bruno Latour, the exhibition in Cologne, at the invitation of plan-07, is the first public representation of « fragile-workshop ».


Behind the banal daily constat of the social precariousness, « fragile-workshop » attempts to spot the dynamics that more discreetly, weaken areas of existence until now preserved. Out of the un-binding of recognized and identified stable forms of time and space breached open by social insecurity, seems to radiate a force of aesthetic desecurization which overtly weakens our representations of the world.