As we witness the collapse of animal populations, it seems urgent and necessary to highlight the animal part of humanity.
The humanization of the world has prospered by enslaving other species, to the point of forgetting the animal roots of our sensations and our emotions, the distant complicity shown by the paintings of the Lascaux or Chauvet caves. Wild or domesticated, animals have broadened our awareness and perceptions, and it would be a terrible regression to accept a shared world between the industrialization of “useful” animals and a generalized ecosystem desert.
So that humanity does not escape from human beings, we must recomposed human societies in order to facilitate the movement, the stay and the blossoming of animality, that is to say, to assemble entanglements of rhythms and trajectories. who do not just bend to human interests and projects. Because animals participate in the balance of our societies by their work, their affection, the irreducibility of their behavior.
By combining the knowledge and sensibilities of shepherds, artists, breeders, philosophers, anthropologists, ethologists, geographers …, landscape-animal draws the contours of a more intense and balanced relationship between living beings sharing the same land.

Dialogue avec un troupeau / Laurent Four dans le cadre de
Ça Remue !
Summary :
User manual Alain Faure
Animal landscape Philippe Mouillon
Humus humanity Daniel Bougnoux
Didactics of affective tuning for collapse time Yves Citton
Enchanted by the flock Inge Linder-Gaillard
A flock on campus, what for? Bruno Caranguel
To graze the fields of knowledge Guillaume Lebaudy
Animals at work Jean Estebanez
The integrated university, a pastoral symphony Jean-Charles Froment
Flank the landscape Olivier de Sepibus
A world of insects Laurence Després
Transmitting emotions Katia Després and Gael Sauzeat
Gonepteryx Rhamni Caroline Duchatelet
Attempts to approach a suspension point Yoann Bourgeois
Spider’s mood Conversation with Abraham Poincheval
The textures of the time Jordi Galí
Places for the living Conversations with Victoria Klotz
Water Memory Conversation with Cyrille André
Animism and wilderness Nastassja Martin
Humanimals landscapes Coralie Mounet
Between dogs and wolves Conversation with Antoine le Menestrel
Migratory Antoine Choplin
The living, the sounds and the territory Henry Torgue
Animal conditions Maryvonne Arnaud
For a city where the walls chirp and sing Milena Stefanova
Atlas of the worlds of each Philippe Mouillon
Lost white pigeon Conversation with Alban de Chateauvieux
Anime Conversation with Alexandra Arènes
Contributed to this issue : Cyrille André, Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary, Alexandra Arènes, Maryvonne Arnaud, Jean Boucault, Daniel Bougnoux, Yoann Bourgeois, Laure Brayer, Bruno Caraguel, Alban de Chateauvieux, Antoine Choplin, Yves Citton, Laurences Després, Katia Després, Caroline Duchatelet, Jean Estebanez, Laurent Four, Jean-Charles Froment, Jordi Galí, Soheil Hajmirbaba, Catherine Hannï, Victoria Klotz, Béatrice Korc, Olivier Labussière, Guillaume Lebaudy, Inge Linder-Gaillard, Nastassjia Martin, Antoine le Menestrel, Jérôme Michalon, Philippe Mouillon, Coralie Mounet, Abraham Poincheval, Johnny Rasse, Gael Sauzeat, Milena Stefanova, Olivier de Sépibus, Henry Torgue.
Original images of : Cyrille André, Jean-Pierre Angei, Alexandra Arènes, Maryvonne Arnaud, Friedrich Böhringer, Marianne Elias, Olivier Garcin, Sonia Levy, Vita Manak, Fred Massé, Stéphanie Nelson, Olivier de Sépibus
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